Gallery List Campus Google About
Please note that these pages are not approved or supported by the University of Reading. They may contain errors. Please send corrections, comments and suggestions for improvement to j.m.gregory at reading.ac.uk.

Whiteknights Park has a very large and diverse collection of trees, both native and exotic. We are very grateful to the university and its grounds staff for maintaining such an exceptional place. This website is a virtual arboretum of Whiteknights Park. It exhibits many species present, for the sake of interest, education and beauty. You are viewing the version of the website which includes trees whose species is given as X because the authors have not identified them. If you can help with identification, please write to j.m.gregory@reading.ac.uk. Unidentified trees are not shown in the default website. Images © Jonathan Gregory 2018–2025


The website has six overview pages, which are identified on the top row of each overview page, including this about page. The gallery and the list give the names of all species in the website. The campus map and Google map show the locations and photos and identify the species of individual trees. The today page contains photos of a single tree, chosen randomly on each day, with links relating to its species. You can get to any overview page by selecting it from the top row of another overview page.
From most pages of the website, you can return to the gallery with , the list with , the campus map with , and this page with .
On any page, a small photo is a link to a photo page, which shows a larger version of the same photo.
On photo pages, view the full-resolution version of the photo.
On full-resolution image pages, return to the photo page. On the campus map page, deselect the selected tree.
In the gallery and the list, the name of each species is a link to pages of photos for that species, including photos of individual trees, their locations, and close-up photos of bark, leaves, etc. There are three views of each species: in columns, in rows, and on a map.
Columns The column view of a species has photos for individual trees on the left of the screen (in columns showing one photo in each season for deciduous trees), photos of bark in the central column, and other close-ups on the right of the screen.
Rows In the row view, all the photos of each individual tree are shown in a row (many trees have more than one photo per season), with the close-ups in rows after the tree rows.
Map The species map locates trees of the species on the campus. (Of course, in many species only a selection of trees are included in the website, not all of them.) Clicking on a tree's location brings up photos of it.
On species column view and row view pages, step forwards to the next screenful and backwards to the previous screenful. A screenful is up to four rows of small photos. On species map pages, select the next tree and the previous tree. You can select any of the trees by clicking on its marker.
On species pages, step forwards to the next species and backwards to the previous species.
On photo pages, step forwards to the next photo and backwards to the previous photo.
Return to the species page from a photo page.
The gallery, list, campus map and species pages each have a row of options near the top, which give different selections and arrangements of contents.
On the species and photo pages, there are links to other websites with information about the species, where available, indicated by the following icons.
All species have links to Wikipedia (in some cases to the genus rather than the species).
Most species have entries in Plants of the World Online, curated by Kew Gardens.
Most species have articles in Trees and Shrubs Online, the International Dendrology Society's encyclopaedia of woody plants hardy in the temperate parts of the world.
Species native to Britain or commonly planted here have links to The Woodland Trust A-Z of British Trees.
Conifer species have links to The Gymnosperm Database edited by Christopher J. Earle.
We are grateful to the authors of all these resources.

Icons made by others and used in this website

Gallery of trees, by John3, no restrictions
List, by Icon Paradise, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence
Map marker, by Yury Volkau, no restrictions
Calendar, by Dave Gandy and Font Awesome, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported licence
Information symbol, by IconPacks, no restrictions
Exit, by Font Awesome, no restrictions
Tree from above, by Setreset, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported licence
Close cross, by Jack Davies, no restrictions
Full Size, by Ersin from Noun Project, CC-BY licence
Google Maps logo, no restrictions
Wikipedia 'W' icon with frame, no restrictions. [TM] Wikipedia and its associated marks are official trademarks of the Wikimedia Foundation in the United States and other countries. These marks are being used under license by the Wikimedia Foundation. This project is not endorsed by or affiliated with the Wikimedia Foundation.
Part of the logo (used as its favicon) of Plants of the World Online of the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew
Part of the logo (used as its favicon) of Trees and Shrubs Online
Part of the logo (used as its favicon) of The Woodland Trust, the UK's largest woodland conservation charity
Cone of Pinus jeffreyi, used here as an icon for The Gymnosperm Database


I am grateful to Rupert Taylor (Head of Grounds Maintenance), Alastair Culham and Jonathan Mitchley (School of Biological Sciences), Marcus Wheeler, Benoît Vannière and Miguel Teixeira for tree identifications, to Dan Hodson for useful code examples, and to Benoît, Marcus, Steve George, the Friends of the University of Reading, and other friends for their encouragement during the development of the website.

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