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Click on a species name to see photos for the species. Click on a two-letter identifier to see the map for the species. You have chosen to see only those species which are native to Great Britain.

Aa Alder (common or black) Fa Ash (common) Pa Aspen Fb Beech (common)
Ba Birch, downy Bb Birch, silver Pb Blackthorn Ra Buckthorn (common or purging)
Pc Cherry, bird Pd Cherry, wild Sa Elder Ca Hawthorn (common)
Cb Hawthorn, Midland Cc Hazel Ia Holly Cd Hornbeam
Ja Juniper Ta Lime or linden, common Tb Lime or linden, large-leaved Tc Lime or linden, small-leaved
Ab Maple, field Qa Oak, pedunculate or common Qb Oak, sessile Pe Pear, Plymouth
Pf Pine, Scots Pg Poplar, black Ph Poplar, white or silver Sb Rowan or mountain ash
Ea Spindle Va Wayfaring tree Td Wild service tree Sc Willow, goat
Sd Willow, grey Se Willow, white Te Yew