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Aa Alder (common or black) Ab Alder, Caucasian Ac Alder, Italian Ad Alder, Japanese green
Ae Alder, red Ma Apple Mb Apple, crab Mc Apple, crab
Md Apple, Hupeh or Chinese crab Fa Ash (common) Fb Ash, golden Fc Ash, manna or flowering
Fd Ash, narrow-leaved Fe Ash, Oregon Ff Ash, Raywood Fg Ash, Westhof's Glorie
Fh Ash, white Pa Aspen La Bay tree Fi Beech (common)
Na Beech, Antarctic Fj Beech, copper Fk Beech, fastigiate Nb Beech, roble, or Patagonian oak
Ba Birch, cut-leaf silver Bb Birch, downy Bc Birch, Himalayan Bd Birch, monarch
Be Birch, paper-bark or canoe-bark Bf Birch, silver Bg Birch, yellow or swamp Pb Blackthorn
Af Boxleaf azara Ga Broom, Mount Etna Ag Buckeye, bottlebrush Ah Buckeye, Ohio
Ai Buckeye, red Aj Buckeye, sweet Ra Buckthorn (common or purging) Ca Catalpa, northern
Cb Catalpa, southern Cc Cedar of Lebanon Cd Cedar, Atlantic blue or Atlas Ce Cedar, incense
Cf Cedar, Japanese red Ta Cedar, white Pc Cherry, bird Pd Cherry, great white
Pe Cherry, ornamental Pf Cherry, Tibetan Pg Cherry, wild Cg Chestnut (sweet or Spanish)
Tb Chinese lacquer tree Ph Cork tree, Amur or Chinese Ch Cornelian cherry Me Cucumber tree
Ci Cypress, Arizona Cj Cypress, Lawson Ck Cypress, Leyland Cl Cypress, Sawara
Tc Cypress, swamp Mf Dawn redwood Cm Deodar Cn Dogwood, 'Ormonde'
Co Dogwood, Chinese Cp Dogwood, giant Cq Dogwood, large-leafed Pi Douglas fir
Sa Elder Ua Elm, field or common Ub Elm, Sapporo autumn gold Rb False acacia or black locust
Ak Fir, giant or grand Al Fir, Grecian Am Fir, silver Pj Foxglove tree
Gb Ginkgo Lb Glossy or Chinese privet Pk Golden larch Ka Golden rain tree
Pl Green olive tree or mock privet Ea Gum, blue or southern blue Eb Gum, snow Ec Gum, spinning
Cr Hackberry Da Handkerchief tree Cs Hawthorn (common) Ct Hawthorn, cockspur
Cu Hawthorn, Lavallée's Cv Hawthorn, Midland Cw Hawthorn, plumleaf Cx Hawthorn, scarlet
Cy Hazel Cz Hazel, corkscrew Hazel, Turkish Td Hiba
Hickory, pignut Ia Holly Hornbeam Hornbeam, oriental
An Horsechestnut (European) Ao Horsechestnut, dwarf Ap Horsechestnut, Indian Aq Horsechestnut, red
Pm Ironwood, Persian Ar Japanese angelica tree Sb Japanese snowbell Judas tree
As Juneberry Ja Juniper Jb Juniper, Phoenician Gc Kapuka or New Zealand broadleaf
Katsura Gd Kentucky coffee tree Sc Kowhai, small-leaved Ha Lacebark, long-leaved
Lc Larch (European) Pn Laurel, cherry Po Laurel, Portuguese Te Lime or linden, common
Tf Lime or linden, large-leaved Tg Lime or linden, silver Th Lime or linden, small-leaved Ti Lime, Causasian
Tj Lime, Chinese white or Oliver's Tk Lime, Henry's Tl Lime, Mongolian Ge Locust, Caspian
Gf Locust, honey Mg Magnolia, Japanese bigleaf Mh Magnolia, saucer Mi Magnolia, southern, or bull bay
Mj Magnolia, star Mk Magnolia, Yulan At Maple, Amur Au Maple, ash-leaf, or box elder
Av Maple, Balkan Aw Maple, Cappadocian Ax Maple, Cretan Ay Maple, downy Japanese or fullmoon
Az Maple, field Maple, Freeman's Maple, hornbeam Maple, Montpellier
Maple, Norway Maple, Oregon or bigleaf Maple, paper-bark Maple, purple-leaved Norway
Maple, Père David's Maple, red Maple, silver Maple, smooth Japanese
Maple, snake-bark Maple, sugar Maple, three-flower Maple, trident
Ml Medlar Monkey puzzle Moroccan or pineapple broom Mm Mulberry, black
Bh Mulberry, paper Mn Mulberry, white Qa Oak, Algerian or Mirbeck Qb Oak, black
Qc Oak, chestnut-leaved Qd Oak, cork Qe Oak, Daimyo Qf Oak, fastigiate pedunculate
Qg Oak, holm or evergreen or holly Qh Oak, Hungarian or Italian Qi Oak, Japanese blue or ring-cupped Qj Oak, northern red
Qk Oak, pedunculate or common Ql Oak, pin Qm Oak, Pyrenean Qn Oak, scarlet
Qo Oak, sessile Qp Oak, shingle Qq Oak, swamp laurel Qr Oak, Turkey
Qs Oak, willow Mo Osage orange Pp Pear (European) Pq Pear, Bradford
Pr Pear, oleaster-leaved Ps Pear, Plymouth Pt Pear, snow Pu Pine, black or Austrian
Pv Pine, Coulter Pw Pine, Eastern white or Weymouth Px Pine, Himalayan or Bhutan Py Pine, Japanese white or five-needle
Pz Pine, Jeffrey's Pine, Monterey Pine, ponderosa, bull or western yellow Pine, Scots
Plane, London Plane, oriental Plum, cherry Poplar, black
Poplar, grey Poplar, hybrid Poplar, hybrid Poplar, Lombardy
Poplar, white or silver Tm Qing pi tree Quince Sd Redwood, coast
Se Redwood, giant, or Wellingtonia Sf Rowan or mountain ash Sg Rowan, cut-leaf Sh Rowan, Esserteau's
Si Rowan, Japanese Sj Rowan, Kashmir Sk Rowan, Vilmorin's Hb Seven son flower
Smoketree, European Oa Sourwood Ed Spindle Spruce, Morinda or West Himalayan
Spruce, Norway Spruce, Oriental or Caucasian Spruce, Serbian Strawberry tree
Strawberry tree, hybrid Rc Sumac, staghorn Ld Sweetgum Sycamore
Taiwan fir Tree of heaven Le Tulip tree Nc Tupelo, black
Jc Walnut (common) Jd Walnut, black Je Walnut, Chinese Va Wayfaring tree
Tn Wheel tree Whitebeam (common) Whitebeam, Lutescens Sl Whitebeam, Swedish
Sm Whitebeam, Tibetan To Wild service tree Sn Willow, crack So Willow, goat
Sp Willow, grey Sq Willow, rosemary Sr Willow, weeping Ss Willow, white
Wingnut, Caucasian Wingnut, Rehder Hc Witch-hazel, Virginian Wa Wollemi pine
Tp Yew Yew, Chilean plum Tq Yew, golden fastigiate Tr Yew, Japanese
Za Zelkova, Cretan Chitalpa tashkentensis Ee Emmenopterys henryi Fl Fagus sylvatica heterophylla
St Sorbus glomerulata